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5 Commonly Available Materials to Clear Your Blocked Drain

Blocked drains cause a real threat to homeowners either monetarily or practically. Though blocked drain can be identified early. The moment you begin to notice water pooling around your feet in the shower, those unpleasant smell; all these are the signs of blockage. Once the drain is clogged, you need to work on it as quickly as possible. If not treated soon, you may encounter a burst pipe. Let’s have a look at how you can handle some of the common plumbing problems.

How to get rid of blocked drains?

There are a number to DIY tips that can help you in clearing off the clogging materials.

Use of boiling water

Boiling water is an easy and quick method to get rid of any clogging items from the drain. Just pour hot boiling water straight into the drain. It will dissolve the hard materials stuck inside the draining channel.

Use of DIY natural cleaner

What works best for cleaning stuck particles inside the drain is mixing of the solution of baking soda and white vinegar. It is a home remedy for taking out the clogged particles. Pour the baking soda and then the white vinegar into the drain and then cover it up. Hold on for some moments and you will be relaxed to see how it is clearing blocked drains.

Use of a chemical drain cleaner

You can buy a chemical drain cleaner from any local hardware shops. This chemical helps in removing some of the stubborn clogging materials like grease, hair, food. Before pouring in the solution, make sure you have covered up your hands and face. After pouring in the solution, flush the pipe with water.

Use of plunger

A plunger can clear off the blocked substances from the drain. Put an up and down pressure. It will help in losing up the blockages. Plunger must be used only for the solid cloggings.

Use of hydro jet

Hydro jets are a powerful stream of water that is pushed from a pipe. The pressure forces the stuck materials inside the drain to unclog. This method is a safer means of pulling out soft blockages but it is still better than snaking.

If you are out of ideas and nothing is working for you, if residing in London hire a licensed London’s plumber who is highly skilled at handling blocked drains.


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